Golf in Taiwan – Ilha Formosa – Beautiful Island. This is what a group of Portuguese sailors, said to have been the first Westerners to lay eyes on the island, uttered upon seeing Taiwan for the first time. We imagine they must have been pretty enamored. Taiwan cuts a figure as one of the most diverse destinations in Asia.
And more than that, Taiwan has some of the world: warmest people, affable to a fault that few who come to Taiwan a stranger leave that way. Come play golf in Taiwan and experience something different in Asia golf.
Ta Shee Golf Course – 1st top best golf course in Taiwan
Address: 168 Jih-Shin Road, Yung Fu, Ta Shee, Tao Yuan, Taiwan
Distance: 40 km SW of Taipei city center
Holes: 27 – Kingfisher (East) + Egret (Center) + Thrush (West)
Designer: Robert Trent Jones Jr.
Par: 72/72/72 – Yard:
Visitor Policy:

Taiwan Golf and Country Club – 2nd top best golf course in Taiwan Address: No. 32, Lane 6, Sec. 1, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Township, Taipei
Distance: 27 km NW of Taipei city centre
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Designer: Shiro Akaboshi
Visitor Policy:
One of the most challenging in Taiwan and one of the busiest.

Miramar (North & West) Golf & Country Club – 3rd top best golf course in Taiwan
Address: 9 Xia-Fu Road, Linkou District, New Taipei City 244, Taiwan
Distance: 15 miles E of Taoyuan international airport
Holes: 36 (North – South – East- West) Par:
Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Visitor Policy:

The Orient Golf and Country Club – top 4th best golf course in Taiwan
Address: 16-11 East Chou-Lou-Kung, Chou-Lou Villiage, Kueishan, Touyuan County, 330 Taiwan
Holes: 18
Yardage: 7060
Par: 72

National Golf Country Club – top 5th best golf course in Taiwan
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Yardage: 7,014
New well maintained course open to members and non-members. Accommodation on site.

Yung-Han Golf Club – top 6th best golf course in Taiwan
Address: No. 300, Sec. 1, Nanshan N. Rd., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 338, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18
Designer: Chu Yung-han

Nan Fong Golf Club – top 7th best golf course in Taiwan
Address: No. 336-1, Fengshan Rd., Nantou City, Nantou County 540, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Yardage: 7065
Designer: Lee Trevino

Kaohsiung Golf & Country club – top 8th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: Kaohsiung
Holes: 18
Yardage: 7004
Par: 72

Sunrise Golf & Country Club – top 9th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: No. 256, Yangsheng Rd., Yangmei Dist., Taoyuan City 326, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18
Yardage: 7200
A Robert Trent Jones Jr. design. This club has played host to the Sunrise Cup and qualifying grounds for the Asia-Pacific players in the World Alfred Dunhill tournament.

Oriental Sunstar Golf Club – top 10th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: No. 98, Shenjing 1st Rd., Shenjing Vil., Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County 308, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18 Par:
Yardage: 6,619
Designer: Lee Trevino

Tong Hwa Golf Course – top 11th golf courses in Taiwan
Address: Tong Hwa Golf & Country Club, No. 99號, Dunghua Rd, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244
Holes: 18 Par:
Designer: Sato Takeshi

Linkou International Golf and Country Club – top 12th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: No. 50-1, Houhu, Hubei Vil., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 27
Yardage: 9953

North bay Golf & Country club – top 13th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: No. 5, Caopuwei, Caoli Vil., Shimen Dist., New Taipei City 253, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Yardage: 7,006
Designer: Packard Ind. of the United States in association with former U.S. Open winner Andy North
The first golf course in Asia to obtain ISO-9009 certification

Chia Nan Golf & Country Club – top 14th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: No. 21, Liushuang, Shezi Vil., Guantian Dist., Tainan City 720, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Yardage: 6,825
Designer: American design company Willard C. Byrd & Associates.
The exquisite design makes Chia Nan a highly challenging and exciting course.

Hsin Chu Golf & Country Club – top 15th best golf courses in Taiwan
Address: 104 Shang Keng Village, Hsin FongHsin Chu, Taiwan
Holes: 18 Par: 72
Yardage: 6592
Designer: Golf Frontier

Palm Lakes Golf Resort
Holes: 18
Open year around. A members only course with similar climate to Hawaii.
Typhone Golf Course
Address: No 68, Jong Jeng Road, Gau Shuh Ping Tung
Holes: 27
Kantou Golf & Country Club
Address: 36 1 Lane Kangting, Tailiao Village, Kingchieh, Nantou County
Holes: 18
Chang An Golf & Country Club
Address: 5 Yu-Shan, Kung-si, Hsin-Chu County
Holes: 27
Wan Yi Golf & Country Club
Address: No 111-6, Phu-Tai Village, Kwan-Miau Hsiang, Tainan County
Holes: 18
Eagle Golf Club
Address: 14 Nang Kung, Sun-Suei Village, Lung-Tang, Taoyuan County
Holes: 18
Wan Fong Golf Club
Address: Shiao Ban San Section, Chao Wei Ling, Santou City
Holes: 18
Pearl Heights Golf Course
Address: 5 Tsou Pu Wei, Tsou-Li Village, Shie-man, Taipei County
Holes: 18
Chia Yi Golf Course
Address: c/o Toyo Recreational Enterprises, 4th floor, #22, Lane 13, Yung Kang St., Taipei
Holes: 18
One of Taiwan’s newest courses, includes mountain-side cottages.
Ta Kang-Shan Golf Course
Address: No 1, Chan Shan Road, Si Te Village, Tan Liao, Kaohsiung County
Holes: 18
Pei-Tou Kuo Hua Golf and Country Club
Address: 23-1, Ping Deng Li, Tamsui Villiage, Taipei County, Taiwan
Holes: 18
Yardage: 7001
Par: 72
New Tamsui Golf Club
Address: 1 Pa Shih Li, Tamsui, Taipei County
Holes: 18
Yardage: 6620
Da-Shee Golf Course & Resort
Holes: 27
About one hour from central Taipei, this course is being renovated to include a 210 room hotel.
Wing On Resort & Country Club
Address: No. 39, Panchihuakeng, Tung Yuan Tung shan Shian, Tainan County
Holes: 18
A Pete and Perry Dye design. A challenging game with 9 manmade lakes, lots of trees and hills.The 8th and 17 th holes are shot over water traps. Night games available.
Kaihsiung Golf & Country Club
Address: 270 Chiuchang Road, Tahua Village, Wu Sung, Kaohsiung County
Holes: 18
Yardage: 7000
Par: 72
Formosa Yangmei Country Club
Address: No 1-3, Shou Chai Yo, Yangmei, Taoyuan
Holes: 27
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